Empowering Linguistic Diversity and Economic Growth

CommunityDNS has been a strong advocate for an inclusive Internet that benefits all users. They have supported Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) since 2003, recognizing the importance of providing resilience for everyone. The expansion of the Internet presents economic opportunities for businesses and contributes to the online economy of countries.

Benefits of IDNs for Users, Businesses, and Economies
Increasing User Accessibility
Increasing User Accessibility

IDNs enable domain names in local languages, expanding Internet access for users worldwide. This fosters greater participation and engagement, bridging the digital divide.

Enhanced Business Reach
Enhanced Business Reach

IDNs provide businesses with a localized method to connect with customers. By creating domain names in customers' native languages, businesses can improve communication and engagement, strengthening relationships with target markets.

Economic Growth
Economic Growth

IDNs promote the development of localized content and services, tailoring the Internet to regional cultures and preferences. This localization contributes to the growth of local online economies, providing opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive.

CommunityDNS's Commitment to IDNs

Early Adoption and Full Compliance

CommunityDNS recognized the value of IDNs early on and made their secure, global Anycast DNS network IDN aware in 2003. They have been using the same technology to support IDNs at the second level or subdomain, enabling the use of non-ASCII/Latin character-based languages.

Supporting Linguistic and Cultural Creativity

DNS plays a vital role as the address book of the Internet. By fully supporting IDNs, CommunityDNS enables users to express their linguistic and cultural diversity online. The DNS system quickly resolves IDN-based queries to their respective IP addresses, bridging the gap between human imagination and machine recognition.

Excellence in DNS Resilience

CommunityDNS is a proven leader in DNS resilience and security. Their commitment to adopting emerging technologies, such as IPv6, DNSSEC, and IDNs, sets them apart. Their secure, global Anycast DNS platform is designed to handle the world's queries with speed, capacity, and utmost security.

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